Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation Receives 2021 Mayor’s Founder’s Award
Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation was recently awarded the 2021 Mayor’s Founder’s Award at the City of Winter Park’s State of the City Luncheon. The Founder’s Award honors an organization whose commitment, dedication, and actions have built upon the city’s founders, Loring Chase and Oliver Chapman’s, vision of developing Winter Park into a vibrant place to live, work and play.
Each year, Winter Park Mayor Steve Leary handcrafts the award to uniquely reflect the individual or organization receiving this prestigious recognition. The design of Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation’s Founder’s Award was simple to reflect the Foundation’s straightforward commitment to the community. The award was fashioned from a block of a Winter Park Camphor tree. The Foundation’s founders, Edyth and Archibald, were not native to the Winter Park area, much like the Camphor tree, however, the Bush family made Winter Park their home, leaving a lasting impact on the city’s landscape for generations to come.
“The two most powerful words in any language are ‘thank you.’ I would like to thank Mayor Leary for his visionary leadership and the city council. I want to thank our all-star city manager, and his extraordinary staff. And I want to thank all of you, you are the legacy of Loring Chase and Oliver Chapman and they have entrusted you with what we have here [in Winter Park].”
– David Odahowski,
Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation president and CEO