For more than 45 years, the Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation (EBCF) has played a key role at the state and local levels to develop thoughtful leadership in the nonprofit sector and to inspire collaborative efforts to address the most pressing community needs.

In the State
In 2001, the Foundation was one of seven founding partners of the Florida Philanthropic Network, which was initially housed in the EBCF offices. Now headquartered in Tampa, this statewide membership network is comprised of private independent, corporate, community and family foundations that hold over $6.5 billion in assets and invest over $435 million annually to improve the quality of life for all Floridians.
The Foundation played a founding role in the development of the Florida Nonprofit Alliance, and continues to play a leadership role in the Florida Chamber Foundation and the Philanthropy Roundtable, which connects philanthropists from around the country.
In Our Region
For several years, the Foundation has been working to bring about the formation of a Children’s Trust in Central Florida. This collaborative effort continues as leaders in early childhood, juvenile justice, mental health and human services work to create a true system of care for children and families who are most vulnerable to poverty, abuse and neglect.
Along with other public and private partnership efforts to address critical needs, Foundation leaders helped establish A Gift for Teaching, the Health Care Center for the Homeless, Hands on Orlando and the Community Foundation of Central Florida (now the Central Florida Foundation).
In Our Neighborhood
From their early days in Winter Park, Edyth and her husband Archibald Granville Bush were active members of the community. They cared for their neighbors and for those less fortunate. Once while driving down Morse Boulevard on a steamy summer afternoon, Archibald noticed the open windows at the Gardens at DePugh Nursing Center. Later that day, he purchased window air conditioning units for each resident’s room and, until the end of his life, paid the utility bills for the west side nursing facility.
One of the Foundation’s strongest ties is to Rollins College, where Archibald served on the Board and then provided funding for the College’s first science building. The Foundation later helped establish the Bush Executive Center at the Crummer Graduate School of Business, and supports numerous events directly and indirectly tied to the College, including the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park.

Edyth Bush Institute
The Foundation is well known for its founding and support of the Edyth Bush Institute for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership, a program of the Crummer Graduate School, where nearly 4,000 nonprofit leaders annually participate in training, certification programs and management assistance.
Born out of the Foundation’s workroom, the Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center was established to strengthen the impact, effectiveness, and leadership of nonprofit and philanthropic organizations through education and management assistance. It was renamed in 2015 to the Edyth Bush Institute for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership to reflect its origins.
Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival
The Foundation’s hometown, the City of Winter Park, is known internationally for its annual Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival at which the Foundation bestows The Art of Philanthropy Award. Now in its 60th year, the Art Festival ranks as one of the top juried fine arts festivals in the country. With The Art of Philanthropy Award, the Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation provides a cash prize to the artist who best expresses a love for humanity and represents philanthropy at its very best.

afpnet.org | afpcentralflorida.org
A membership organization that promotes philanthropy and fosters the growth and development of fundraising professionals through advocacy, research, education, and certification.

(formerly National Center for Nonprofit Boards)
The premier resource for building strong and effective nonprofit boards.

A nonprofit membership association of grantmaking foundations and corporations.

A community resource committed to advancing philanthropy and supporting the work of the nonprofit sector through education and training programs, research, and advocacy.

A coalition of Florida’s leading grantmakers who seek to organize and promote philanthropy in the State of Florida, help develop the research agenda in philanthropy and nonprofits, and encourage dialogue and collaboration among nonprofits, businesses, and government.

A community of grant makers dedicated to building strong and effective organizations.

A coalition of leading nonprofits, foundations, and corporations strengthening not-for-profit initiative, philanthropy, and citizen action.

A national professional association representing and advocating for grans managers.

The Philanthropy Roundtable is America’s leading network of charitable donors working to strengthen our free society, uphold donor intent, and protect the freedom to give. Our members include individual philanthropists, families, and private foundations.

A membership association of grantmaking foundations and programs that promotes excellence throughout the field of philanthropy and the creation of new philanthropic resources to benefit the region.