Florida Artist Wins Prestigious Award at the Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival
Winter Park, March 27, 2019 – For the third year in a row, a Florida artist was awarded the “Art of Philanthropy Award” and the second highest purse prize at the Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival. Amy Lennard Gmelin of New Port Richey, Florida received the award and a $5,000 check from the Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation for her concrete sculpture entitled “Joyous Detour.”
Gmelin said she is glad that she persevered and was accepted this year into the Festival after eight failed attempts. She said the award drew many admirers to her work which, under the title Mystery Stone, features free-standing sculptures and wall reliefs formed from grey Portland cement and sand.
The sculpture resembles a fount holding a chalice which, in many world traditions, represents the overflow or sharing of blessings. As one festival judge shared: “This piece embodies compassion and, in the spirit of the award, a sense of caring and nourishing. It is a humble, quiet piece that invites contemplation.”
The Winter Park Art Festival consistently ranks as one of the top juried fine art festivals in the country with more than 1,100 applicant artists from around the world each year. An independent panel of three judges select the 225 artists who exhibit their works, and then nominate pieces at the Festival for the “Art of the Philanthropy Award.” Representatives of the Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation, which established the award in 2012, choose the winning piece that is to represent philanthropy or “the love of mankind.”
“We’re pleased to partner with the Winter Park Art Festival – especially in its 60th anniversary year – to recognize one of the many talented artists and support the arts community that our founder, Edyth Bush, held in such high esteem,” said Foundation President and CEO David Odahowski.
Guided by their founder’s vision, the Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation creates innovative civic solutions that help people help themselves and continues to inspire thoughtful collaborations to address our community’s most pressing needs. Board Members are Richard J. Walsh, Chairman; Matthew W. Certo, Vice Chairman & Corporate Secretary; David A. Odahowski, President & CEO; Elizabeth A. Dvorak; Anne B. Kerr, Ph.D.; Patricia J. Engfer; and John A. Riley.